YaR Leaders’ Orientation


The orientation serves as a transformative 3-day residential capacity-building program designed specifically for leaders caring for children and young at risk, who hold significant positions within the DB YaR Forum. Conducted and coordinated by the national office, its primary goal is to equip the senior heads and directors of the YaR Centres with essential skills and insights necessary for the effective execution of the DB YaR (Protection and Development of Children and Youth at Risk) program.

Throughout the program, the participants will engage in intensive training sessions and workshops, aimed at honing their strategic abilities. They are encouraged to prioritize and strategize the DB YaR program, ensuring that it becomes a central pillar of their initiatives and actions. The orientation seeks to enable them to drive positive change within communities and create a lasting impact on the lives of at-risk children and youth. One of the core themes emphasized during the orientation is the incorporation of child rights perspectives. By embracing the principles of child rights, the participants gain a deeper understanding of the importance of safeguarding the rights and well-being of children in every aspect of their work. The programme will focus on educating directors and leaders on young at risk legislation, such as the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 and the POCSO Act. The protection of children’s rights and wellbeing in India depends heavily on these laws. For children who break the law, the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 prioritizes rehabilitation over punishment, while the POCSO Act addresses child sexual abuse and exploitation by assuring prompt prosecution of criminals and offering assistance to victims. The program aims to empower leaders to act as effective advocates and create a safer and more nurturing environment for vulnerable children across the country by utilizing these legal lessons.

This child-centric approach fosters an environment where the needs and voices of vulnerable children are prioritized, leading to more inclusive, compassionate, and impactful development initiatives. Moreover, the program focuses on fostering skill-based sustainable development. By empowering the young leaders with practical skills and knowledge, they become better equipped to address the unique challenges faced by at-risk children and youth. The emphasis on skill-building ensures that the implemented initiatives are not only effective but also sustainable, leaving a lasting positive legacy for future generations.